Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Remaining Game Recap of Top 4 Teams

This post outlines the remaining games of the teams in the top 4 positions in the Premier Gold bracket. They are listed from toughest to the easiest (in my opinion).

Sodium - 1) Rush 95G Nike 2) Dynamo 3) Arsenal 4) Magic 5) Royal 6) Inferno
Rush 95G Nike - 1) Sodium 2) Royal 3) Inferno 4) Dynamo
Royal - 1) Inferno 2) Rush 95G Nike 3) Magic 4) Arsenal 5) Sodium
FC Platinum - 1) Magic 2) Inferno 3) Dynamo 4) Arsenal

The problem here, as I see it, is that the current #1 team in the bracket, Royal, has the next to easiest schedule and will be hard to catch. The second problem is that FC Platinum HAS the easiest schedule and may be the 'spoiler'.
Theoretically, given the fact we have the most games remaining, we could amass the most points of the top 4 and have a fighting chance for the coveted number 1 position.
With hard work, dedication and focus, I know our girls will give it everything they have in the coming weeks. They have the hearts of lions, we've seen it time and time again, and I know they will rise to this challenge like the true champions they are. We are very proud of them and will stand behind them regardless of the outcomes.

I am proud to say; GO SODIUM!

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