Back in late October when Sodium was in a little slump (I think we went a month without a win) I put together a post entitled "Motivation". I never posted it for some reason. Now that we are on the cusp of the State Cup I went back and read it again. I stepped up on my soapbox, pulled on my coaches cap (after dusting it off) took the relevant information, added a few gems of wisdom and this is what developed.
Sit back, enjoy and hopefully this will pump you up a little.
mo•ti•va•tion [moh-t
uhn] -
noun1. the act or instance of motivating
2. the state or condition of being motivated
3. something that motivates; inducement; incentive
In competitive sports you find many avenues of motivation. Some are personal (I did it for my father), some are emotional (they're coming into our house),some are psychological (big pay check) and some are both (I want to win a state championship for my teammates who worked so hard all season to get here). For Sodium, emotional & personal play the biggest roles and that is what I will address. I will touch on a few things then end with a couple little stories/examples.
I don't even really think I need to tell you how important getting motivated or 'psyched up' for the upcoming games is. Let me touch on a few areas;
First, two of the three games in the first round are being played at our home field, REC #1. This means that both ESU Arsenal and FC Platinum think they can come into our house and beat us. That alone should motivate Sodium to want to beat these teams.
ESU thought they could come with us and compete at the U13 level. They currently occupy the bottom of the ranking with zero wins (one was a 3-0 shut-out we gave them). Sodium is fourth out of eight playing U13. FC has always
thought they could play with us. We were 1-0-1 against them in the regular season but have crushed them in indoor every game. They have posted a very mediocre 4-3-1 record playing U12 this spring. You girls have friends (and enemies) that play for FC. I don't think I need to touch on bragging rights at school as a motivator.
Second, I don't think I need to rekindle the hatred Sodium has for Lake Oswego. They play dirty, their fans are rude. We need to attack them on their home field with a vengeance. Remind them of the taste we left them with last year.
Sometimes motivation is ignited by anger. Remembering how it felt to miss an opportunity or to allow a goal? Remember how it felt not to win a game in almost a month or tie the last place team? In these instances when anger wells up you have to say to yourself; "NEVER AGAIN!" You look at the team across that field and say 'NEVER AGAIN' will I lose a 50/50, 'NEVER AGAIN' will I get beat to the ball. 'NEVER AGAIN' will I let my team down by not giving 100% every second I am on the field. 'NEVER AGAIN' will I take the field without knowing in my heart that I will leave everything I have out there for my team. Do you think Mia Hamm ever said that? Oh I think she did, I
KNOW she did. Every champion has and
will. As a coach and fan I have seen many examples of motivation and heart. Here are two examples.
First came just last year, in 2007. A group of girls are thrown together on the soccer field. Not good enough (they thought) to make the 'A' squad and barely able to field a full team, they struggled. But, with constant encouragement from their loyal fans and coach they start to believe in themselves. They become motivated to take the field and play their hearts out. Several games found girls stumbling off the field, crying from exhaustion. They had players dropping from heat exhaustion, they played with pain because they knew there was no one on the bench, but they played with fire. Once, in a pre-game discussion with the coaches and officials the opposing coach said once he gets up by several goals he will pull a player to make it even with 10. With fire in her eye this little teams coach looked him fiercely in the eye and said; "You'll never
be ahead", and she was right. Only until the last 30 seconds did the other team score to win 2-1. And they played with 11 all game. Motivated with the knowledge that they HAD the skills, the drive and the heart, this team ended the season with a 4-0-1 run. This team was 2007's THUSC Platinum. Two of those players are your teammates.
This next example is in parts. It starts in a bygone era. A rag-tag bunch of school boys find themselves on the football field. No one has played before, no great stand-out athletes, nothing special. What makes this team memorable is the way the coaches motivate the players. They instill a belief in them that they can't be beat. If each and every player, on every play, gives it everything they have, they will win. The head coach teaches them a saying they repeat every game, every play.
'If it is to be, it's up to me' is that saying. What that means to these boys is that the success of the team rides on each and every players executing to the best of their ability every play. This team was the 1977 Cedar Park varsity boys football team. They were undefeated and still hold records to this day.
Some 9 years or so later an alumni of that team strolls into Cedar Park. He agrees to help out with a struggling football program. He teaches them a little saying and the importance believing in yourself and your teammates. Before the first game he buys the team t-shirts to wear under their pads every game. The slogan on those shirts? You guessed it;
'If it is to be, it's up to me'. The boys varsity team went undefeated that year. The last time that happened, 1977.
Tom brought up a good point Sunday in Bend. He said along with the wins, the loses have to hurt. In other words, take it personal. If you are out there giving it 100% and you see a teammate that isn't, you'd better be in her face. You'd better let her know that to be part of this incredibly special group of girls, they'd better give until it hurts for the team. Every time you take the field of battle you have to be prepared mentally. You have to motivate. These next few games are vital to the success of the team. Getting motivated and staying motivated throughout the game, giving all you have, no excuses, will only make this team stronger. Invincible.
From here on out we have to look at every game as if it were our last. ESU, LOSC, FC, these initials need to burn. When you take the field Saturday you should see
RED when you look at them across the field.
I could ramble for days (time to remove the coaches hat). I hope this didn't bore everyone too badly.
I am
REALLY excited for the games this weekend, I hope you all are too.
GO SODIUM!If it is to be, it's up to meside note: The player then coach at Cedar Park, was yours truely. Thanks for letting me stroll down memory lane...